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Manila Women Reviews


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Reviews Summary

28 Total Reviews

Overall Ratings Summary

5 stars


4 stars


3 stars


2 stars


1 stars


Itemized Ratings Summary

Ease of Use / Navigation

4.7 Average Rating

Search / Match Features

4.6 Average Rating

Quality of Members / Profiles

4.8 Average Rating

Quality of Contacts / Responses

4.6 Average Rating

Cost vs. Value

4.4 Average Rating

Customer Service

4.8 Average Rating

All Reviews


“This agency is the best”

07/12/24 Overall Rating: 5.0

Thank you for helping find the woman of my dreams. She is the woman I want to spend the rest of my life with and she feels the same way. She is a truly wonderful woman and I love her very much. I would like to recommend anyone who is unsure about this service to try it because it might just change you life.


“They do a job well done”

05/29/24 Overall Rating: 5.0

It’s been wonderful. I don’t know where I can even start. I just know that I’ve been with this agency for a while. It’s been several years and I’ve enjoyed the experience immensely from the very beginning. Once I came to the Philippines, the staff, everybody that works in the office and everybody, have done such a wonderful job.


“This experience was the most memorable and productive”

05/03/24 Overall Rating: 5.0

I am writing this to express my sincere gratitude to the staff for all they have done to make my experience in the Philippines not only pleasant but extremely successful. I cannot begin to tell you the kindness and professionalism of the staff. Oh, one other thing that I think needs to be mentioned. I went back to Davao in November to see my darling Evelyn. The staff invited us to her office and gave us some excellent advice. Then to our amazement, invited us to her residence for the Manny Pacquiao fight and the most amazing buffet of food that you could imagine. She even arranged my transportation to the airport.


“I would like to recommend anyone about this service”

04/30/24 Overall Rating: 5.0

Thank you for helping find the woman of my dreams. I met her in the Philippines . After seeing her picture on the Net I just knew that she was the one. And the funny thing is that I am the only one that she replied to. I met her family in her hometown and then we went to Boracay and had a great time. She is the woman I want to spend the rest of my life with and she feels the same way. She is a truly wonderful woman and I love her very much.


“Love and Marriage can be found here”

03/22/24 Overall Rating: 5.0

I was married to Edralin from Davao. I met her on an AFA tour in 2012. Thanks to the staff that made this all happen..


“it’s worth it”

02/22/24 Overall Rating: 5.0

I wasn’t expecting all of this for a social. I’ve been to five socials on other countries. I was really surprised how the staff put off one heck of a party. We had a pool party, afterwards a social party at a wine cellar. Wonderful. Shocking surprise. Jim really knows how to throw a party. So if anybody’s looking for a good time with their dates after the socials, it’s worth it, just a lot of fun.


“The service and socials was impeccable”

02/19/24 Overall Rating: 5.0

I appreciated the ladies for coming and I found my new wife to be. She was one that I had been emailing for a few months. But seeing her in person sealed the deal for me. These ladies really were the best and I am proud to experience the services of this organization.


“Overall the tour was everything and more”

12/19/23 Overall Rating: 5.0

Overall the tour was everything that I expected. The socials were fantastic. The staff was great. I would recommend this tour to anyone with the same goals. Now I am processing the K1 visa to make this all great.


“Experience it so that you will know”

11/06/23 Overall Rating: 5.0

I had a wonderful time. I met a lot of wonderful people, wonderful women. You can write all the letters you want and it really makes no difference. You have to get up your butt, get on a plane, get over there. That’s the only way you can find out. Be there and experience and see what it’s all about. I don’t know what else I can say.


“connection of a lifetime”

01/17/23 Overall Rating: 4.0

When things started to click with one particular lady I met here, I didn't waste my time and went full speed ahead. It was such a connection that I've never had before in my life. The experience was absolutely terrific. What a wonderful lady, just so wonderful and intelligent.



12/11/22 Overall Rating: 4.0

Thank you for helping me find the woman of my dreams. After seeing her profile on this site I just knew that she was the one. And the funny thing is, I was the only one who she replied to. I met her family in her hometown and then went to Boracay and had a great time (although her mother was with us as a chaperone). I am going back in December to spend Christmas and New Year's with her. She is the woman I want to spend the rest of my life and she feels the same way. She is truly a wonderful woman. I would like to recommend to anyone who is unsure about this service to try it because it might just change your life.


“hospitable ladies”

11/29/22 Overall Rating: 4.0

In the Philippines, I found the women to be quite friendly, hospitable and they’re very close to their families. When you marry a girl there, her family welcomes you with open arms. As for the age ratio, it’s nothing to be for a 20-25 year old filipina from this site to be with 40 or 50 year old man. It’s normal and accepted there. It’s part of their culture. It’s no problem at all.


“Lifetime experience”

11/16/22 Overall Rating: 5.0

The Cebu social tour was simply unbelievable. For us 16 men, there were 115 ladies each evening. Beautiful, sweet and happy ladies. All perfectly dressed and made up. And they were all there for one reason: to meet that man who will love them, marry them, and make a life with them. No one can really imagine how nice the experience is unless he goes. So my advice to anyone reading is: sign up, begin chatting a few ladies you would like to meet, keep your mind open to all possibilities, and GO. There are so many fine young ladies in Cebu. So go, guys. Go!


“Love their tours”

10/26/22 Overall Rating: 5.0

The Cebu social tour was a blast. We all had a great time and met a lot of very lovely Filipina ladies. They have a fantastic program going on there in Cebu City. All in all, I enjoyed the tour immensely and was so glad to have to have attended for the second time with plans to go for a third. Keep up the great work!


“staff was very helpful”

10/12/22 Overall Rating: 4.0

Their staff was very helpful during the socials. It seems to me like there may have been 10 women for each male and many of the girls speak English. But the staff, the interpreters were able to come along with you to the tables and the girls asked you questions, and you asked them questions and it was good to bring pictures. I brought pictures and the girls were very impressed. Also, some of the girls brought pictures of themselves. There was no problem in communicating and getting to meet a number of women. As a matter of fact I think I could’ve spent 2 or 3 days at this particular social and still meet different women. That's how many there were.


“Always recommended”

09/30/22 Overall Rating: 4.0

I would highly recommend the socials. There were like 250 women at the socials. You’ll definitely want to come to one. You won’t regret it. That’s all that I can tell any guy who is interested. They’re very courteous and very funny. I had an excellent, wonderful time. Go and see for yourself. The service is more than excellent.


“Glad I made this choice”

07/13/22 Overall Rating: 4.0

I was excited to visit Cebu to meet Roxanne in person in which she looks much much better in real life than she does in the photos. I was very delighted when I met her because pictures can only show so much. I found everyone on their staff to be very caring and helpful in connecting and making things work for me. They knew everybody too, they were aware of all our concerns. They had a constant connection with the beautiful ladies there, not just computer things. It was their personal touch that made the difference and made you felt cared for.


“Don't miss out”

06/09/22 Overall Rating: 5.0

You shouldn’t be sitting at home. You should be planning a tour. Because they say beauty is in the eye of the beholder. There is someone on this site for everyone. So every man who takes the tour is unique and they attract different people. So if you are sitting at home and not here, you're missing out.


“satisfied with this service so far”

05/05/22 Overall Rating: 4.0

I Recently registered on this site and after some consideration and research, opted for a platinum membership that includes all their services as well as discounts and bonuses during my search. Most notably, 100% of all membership fees will be credited toward future tours when I decide to travel and go meet the women. The other option is a "pay as you go" plan, only paying for services as you use them with no other fees included. Being serious about my search and having plans to register to their Cebu tour this year, the platinum membership provides the best value for me. In any case, I love how they give you the choice on how and when to communicate with the filipina members here. I'm giving them a solid 4 stars, with no issues so far.


“I had one of the best experiences”

04/14/22 Overall Rating: 5.0

From the moment that I decided to go the social tour in Cebu, until the time that I returned, I had one of the best experiences I ever had. First, the entire staff were highly professional in making arrangements. They informed me about the entire process, how it all works and how to make the most of my time in Cebu. The personnel in Cebu were simply the best.


“I was tired of dating sites, so I chose matchmaking service”

03/29/22 Overall Rating: 4.0

Since my last breakup, I was skeptical about online dating again. But this isn't your average dating site. It's more of an international matchmaking site that is well suited for someone like me. I had always loved travelling to the Philippines and I hoped one day I would marry a filipina. That is why I decided to join this site. I've been a paid member now for 2 weeks and I am excited about all the lovely ladies profiles and I've already getting plenty of emails. I'm also sending emails to the ladies that I am interested in meeting in person when I travel Cebu later this year. I have no regrets with my decision so far. Thanks for all your help.


“collect then select”

03/18/22 Overall Rating: 4.0

I came to the site hoping to find a female companion for a future trip I will be making to the Philippines. I’m in currently in touch with 4 filipinas who all seem lovely and have potential to meet. Just plan to collect and collect and then finally select. I can recommend this site as it's easy to use website that does what it says it will. Sure, it costs money, but which dating don’t these days. Give it a shot.


“ It was unbelievable”

02/25/22 Overall Rating: 5.0

The social tour was an absolute dream come true. To see all those gals and how excited they were, how they wanted to meet us. At the end of each social, they would write us notes. Feelings and thoughts that they had and just reading all the notes of all thoughts of the girls had and the fact that they want to go out and it was just unbelievable. The feeling that I had of being wanted and being appreciated. So many of these gals really just wanted a husband and a life, that they could have someone to love and I felt that so intensely. It really was overwhelming. Then, when I met my fiancee, the feeling was just so right. I knew she was the one when talking to her. Afterward, she knew I was the one right away and it's really been magic. It's hard to explain but I was there and it happened and I couldn't be happier.


“I won't let this pandemic stop me from searching love!”

03/28/20 Overall Rating: 5.0

I know love is the least that I need to think right now. But I can't help it. I feel so lonely. So I signed up and it's been great. They have lovely photos of women from Manila and as soon as this is over, I'll make sure to head over there and join their singles vacation tour.


“Site's good”

01/29/20 Overall Rating: 4.0

Just signed up and so far, I haven't had any issues with it. Will try sending a letter to this sexy lady I really want to meet and let's hope I get a reply. Although an online chat would be a better idea but it's kinda expensive. Anyway, I'll see how this goes first.


“Excited for their singles vacation tour this January!”

12/05/19 Overall Rating: 5.0

I heard so many good things about their singles tour and I'm really hoping it won't disappoint. It's a month away now! Hope to meet the love of my life there.



10/15/19 Overall Rating: 3.0

Didn't know that you can't meet these lovely ladies here in the US. So disappointing.


“The site's great”

07/22/19 Overall Rating: 5.0

What I like most about Manila Women is their search filter feature. Now, finding a match isn't so hard anymore. Keep it up!

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